WordPress Theme Customization: How to Simplify like a Web Dev

WordPress Theme Customization: How to Simplify like a Web Dev

Most WP themes need heavy customization or rather fixing. It’s bug fixing but also removing all the visual flaws only a Web developer can notice.

10 Coding Guidelines for Perfect Findability and Web Standards

10 Coding Guidelines for Perfect Findability and Web Standards

Perfect findability and Web standards can be achieved with the same means when it comes to coding. Thus I compiled a very simple list for you to improve your overall website and content findability. These are 10 coding guidelines for…

How to Get Content and Earn Credibility with Old News

How to Get Content and Earn Credibility with Old News

* Who wants to read yesterday’s news? This might sound like a rhetoric question but it’s not: Google users or searchers want to read old news. People actually seek out your old, even archaic content right now. What do they…

Findability: New and Better SEO?

Findability: New and Better SEO?

Findability is a term that has become a buzzword for a while due to a book called Building Findable Websites by Aarron Walter. I’m always on the lookout for new concepts and innovation. Thus I made a little time to…

Semantic SEO: Your Website is a Goldmine with On-Site SEO 2

Semantic SEO: Your Website is a Goldmine with On-Site SEO 2

* You think on-page SEO is dead? It hasn’t even begun! To be clear, your website is a goldmine and you haven’t even started to dig for the gold. On my SEO 2 blog I have covered blogging, social media…

The Most Important Difference Between Websites and Blogs

The Most Important Difference Between Websites and Blogs

Website vs Blog: What’s the difference? What is the single most important difference between “conventional” or “static” websites and blogs? Many people will probably reply Blogs are dynamic, websites are not Blogs encourage conversation, websites do not Blogs offer feeds,…

Dofollow Blog Commenting Etiquette vs a Barbecue Party

Dofollow Blog Commenting Etiquette vs a Barbecue Party

* How to comment on “dofollow” blogs without getting marked as SPAM? Is there a way to add actual value to your comment even though you’re just after the link? Does commenting on a “dofollow” blog work for bloggers who…

WordPress Post Address Best Practices

WordPress Post Address Best Practices

WordPress is – you might already know it – the most popular blogging platform and content management system on the Internet. There are plenty of good reasons to use it although WordPress has also some major drawbacks. WordPress is bloated…

With Blogging, Size Matters – If You Want Traffic

If your blog isn’t getting as many visitors as you’d like, you need a quick lesson in how people read on the Web – they don’t, they scan. With millions of posts to choose from, people are looking for the…

New Categories: Blogging, Search and Internet

After blogging for a while I noticed that I write rather often about certain topics that were not reflected in my categories. Moreover as time went by I and my blog evolved. For instance when starting SEO 2.0 initially I…

For Design, Usability and SEO Simplicity Is Key

Simplicity is key for design, usability or SEO. Their focus differs substantially yet they have one thing in common. Simplicity and simplifying the user interface aka website improves the overall performance. In SEO 2.0 we do not focus solely on search…

Be the New York Times Of Blogging

Do you read tabloids? What kind of newspapers do you read offline? Are you rather the New York Times or the New York Post type? To make the comparison more obvious: Are you rather a The Independent or The Sun…