Blog vs Dog 0:1

Blog vs Dog 0:1

You might have wondered why SEO 2.0 has been so silent in recent years. One of the main reasons is a dog – a Border Collie and Shih Tzu mix. I got a puppy in early 2009 and it has…

Speed Up Firefox the No Bullshit Way

Speed Up Firefox the No Bullshit Way

Over the years I’ve tried numerous ways of speeding up Firefox. Most posts on that topic make you change some hidden preferences and such. I say: That’s bullshit! I’ve never experienced much of an improvement after making some voodoo tweaks….

Inspiring Positivity in the SEO Industry

Inspiring Positivity in the SEO Industry

One of the greatest things about the international blogosphere is its self improvement and personal development part. You have lots of outstanding positivity spirituality productivity blogs out there. You don’t have them in German to such an extent. There are…

Blogger’s Block? How to Overcome Blogging Apathy

Blogger’s Block? How to Overcome Blogging Apathy

Do you experience so-called “blogger’s block”? Are you unable to write for some reason? I can help! Over the years my blog became repeatedly silent for a number of reasons – a rare vacation trip rediscovery of a vintage strategy…

Who to Follow on Twitter?

Who to Follow on Twitter?

* Twitter is very beneficial for your social SEO! In fact Twitter is more about modern SEO than other social media I hailed during my early years. Yeah, Twitter has surpassed my wildest expectations. Why is Twitter so valuable for…

10 Google Operators for Advanced Search to Use Daily

10 Google Operators for Advanced Search to Use Daily

Are you still using Google for search? Yeah, I know. It sucks by now. Yet sometimes you have to. These advanced search operators can help you find what you know must be there. Using them you can unearth the hidden…

How to Write for Subscribers: Rules of Advanced Blogging

Once this blog has reached a critical mass of over 1000+ subscribers it was time to change my writing and content creation strategy. Indeed I already adapted how I blog before I consciously decided to change my approach. Did my…

8 Life Changing Ways to Save Time for Productivity and Happiness

8 Life Changing Ways to Save Time for Productivity and Happiness

You can change your life right now. How? You can stop wasting your time. This way you will achieve higher productivity and experience more happiness. You will achieve it by doing what you really enjoy. By now I am able…

It’s Magic: Content Creation and Link Building While You’re Away

It’s Magic: Content Creation and Link Building While You’re Away

During the holidays I was offline. Nonetheless my blog gained many new links and several postings have been published while I was on vacation.   Do blogs stay empty on holidays? Now as I am not a company but a…

Daily Routine Schedule for Productivity and Happiness

Daily Routine Schedule for Productivity and Happiness

How to manage your daily routine? You need a schedule that improves productivity. Ideally it also makes you as happy as possible. How to accomplish that? Establish both physically and mentally healthy routines you follow every day. Healthy daily routines…